If you are fair and flush easily, it may not just be shyness, you might have rosacea. It is a skin condition but it's precipitated by anything irritating: could be hot food, or a menopausal flush or medications. There are actually four subtypes of rosacea, but all cases have the flush, most have inflammatory papules (red bumps), some pustules(pimples), and telangiectases. Some people will have these conditions in a background of a dry sting or swollen face. It would be rare to have associated other symptoms such as eye symptoms, so if your flushing has dry mouth, or eye itching, consult your health provider. We all have certain triggers that make the flush worse, and helping you skin is to learn them and avoid your triggers. Effective treateaments include topical antibiotics or oral antibiotics, retinoids, both the intense pulsed light (IPL) or vascular laser treatments give better long term control of symptoms. Consulting a trained laser therapist can help you plan your treatments.