Want to improve your impassive poker demeanor? Want to appear less tired? Want to sweat less in those tense situations? These are some of the many reasons, not directly cosmetic that men turn to the use of Botox. Since many men keep their cards close to their chest, the use of botox in men , just like some of the other secrets of looking on top of your game, has jokingly been referred to as "Brotox" or simply Botox for men. Medically there are many uses of Botox including the injection of Brotox under your arms or in your hands, to reduce sweating, or in your soles to reduce planter facial pain, or in your neck to relax the pain of migraines, to name a few. Botox's mechanism of action is simple: it will inhibit the ability of a nerve to make a muscle fire. As a result of botox a particular muscle will then relax. That relaxation will change the configuration of that muscle, and in turn will allow other muscles of the region to take ofer. For instance we know to some extent tight biceps can constrict a triceps, and vice versa , and you use a coach to determine if you want to build a biceps or a triceps. And so to with your medical injector: they determine to what extent you want to enhance the frontalis, the corrugator, the procerus or the depressor muscles of your forehead to enhance a handsome, poised, and naturally relaxed look. And so it goes for the rest of the facial and neck muscles, proper fine tuning will allow you to look facially toned, not pained! If you begin your Brotox with established rhytides the effects will be corrective, but more subtle. If you begin in your Brotox youth, you will have all your secrets well protected, as the work is more preventative than corrective, and really, only your injector will know! There are risks to the injections, although most extremely minor, and it's important to be well informed of potential risks and get an experienced injector to help minimize those risks. Proper technique will not only help you achieve your wanted results, the results will be longer lasting. So be a bro, and see what the Botox can do for you.