Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Screen The Sun: Anti-Age Your Skin

New reports calling Sun Screens a cause of cancer is not true, nor its it technically possible to decrhonify (anti-age) your skin with sunscreen alone. Anti-oxidants, retinols, and a regimen of care and consultation is the best for these purposes. Nor is it true that there is any evidence that the products actually promote cancer instead of protect. I feel that our sun screens are extremely safe, but if you want to just use the powdered on minerals you will likely be the safest of all. Lots of public stories circulating in all aspects of medicine, but with sun screens, it seems the myths multiply rather than mumify. Your skin story should start like this: 1. Do you have healthy skin, for that you need to have a discussion with a health care provider who understands your body and your skin, 2. Can you persevere the health you have in your skin, for that you need MORE sun protection, 3. Can you reverse the damage and reduce your changes of skin cancer, again, back to the professional to discuss and to really understand how to dechronify your skin.

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